Reactive Pup Program

Reactive Pup Program - In Person
One time

In person training package includes five 1 hour in person sessions, email support as much as needed throughout, access to online training modules on your custom client portal page, and a written summary of skills/homework from each session.

Reactive Pup - Hybrid Training
One time

Hybrid training option includes three 1 hour in person sessions, four Zoom lessons, email/text support as much as needed throughout, access to online training modules on your custom client portal page, and a written summary of skills/homework from sessions.

Reactive Pup Program - Online Learning
One time

All online training program. Includes the full Reactive Pup Program, five 50min Zoom lessons together, video reviews of your training and training summaries of each lesson.

Please get in touch to schedule our first lesson together before signing up for the In Person or Hybrid Course